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This coloring book taught me a lot about photoshop, a lot about deadlines, and a lot about patience. 

I was given roughly a week before our homecoming week to create a coloring book showcasing our athletes at my high school. For that week, I spent every minute of free time at my computer, creating over 40 coloring pages. I finished just in the nick of time. And then it never got made.

I was frustrated. I had spent a lot of time on the book and I was proud of my work. I had only been using Photoshop for about a month, but this project seemed like a great opportunity. 

Just when I was beginning to forget about the project, COVID-19 erupted. School got called off and everyone was aching for something to do. I reached out, talked to my teacher, and then watched as my opportunity came to life. The pages were posted to our Facebook page and got over 80 reactions. Parents were tagging me in their completed pages constantly and praising the work I had done. My teacher asked me to make more in a day, and I made a second batch featuring winter athletes.

Though this wasn't my best work, it certainly motivated me and taught me a lot about not only Photoshop/design, but how small things make big impacts sometimes, how important a deadline is, and how everything happens for a reason. Below are a couple of my favorite pages I completed. 

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