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IHSAA PRojects

Below are some examples of the work I created and projects I worked on for my internship at the Iowa High School Athletic Association.

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Social Media - On Site

I did a lot of Social Media work on-site at state tournaments. This included posting pre- and post- game results, in-contest Twitter (linked in photo) updates, notable players, finding statistics, and taking photos and videos of the athletes/competition. 

Here's an example Tweet from state baseball!

Social Media - Graphics

In the office, we used Canva to make graphics to be used ahead of state tournaments on all platforms. The photo to the right is a linked graphic I designed for state track & field; we used this template for other state tournaments as well. 

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Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 6.43.00 PM.png

Record Books

We each were assigned a couple of sports at the beginning of the summer; we would be required to complete a record book for the assigned sport. Pictured left is a linked screenshot of one of the pages in my baseball record book that spanned 85 pages upon completion. 

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