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College Clubs

My freshman year of college at Iowa State, I decided to join some activities. I quickly rose to executive roles in two of the clubs I joined and loved every minute of it. I served as the Iowa State Student Union Board's Marketing Director for the 2021 Term. Here, I posted on social media almost daily and worked to promote the club and the campus entertainment that SUB provides for ISU students in innovative ways.


Iowa State Homecoming Central Committee's Public Relations Director for the 2021 homecoming celebration. I learned much about font and colorwork here and became more proficient using Canva. I was also in charge of taking and editing photos for social media. Throughout my term as PR Chair, we amassed nearly 10k new followers across three platforms and had over 50,000 post impressions. This club introduced me to members of the Sorority and Fraternity Community at ISU and allowed me to meet tons of new people, which I'm very thankful for. In both of these positions, I learned the vitality of teamwork and communication. I learned a lot about collaborating with people I've never met. 

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